Needlework - Carol Paskewitz

  WI23 Unique Crochet Stitches - Daytime
  3/21/2023 - 4/4/2023
  9:30 AM - 11:30 AM
  Pequot Lakes Baptist Church/Trailside Center
  Carol Paskewitz

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Unique Crochet Stitches - Daytime

Have you ever wanted to crochet that special project for a grandbaby or as a unique gift? This is the class for you! Students will learn 8 special crochet stitches including crocodile stitch, Solomons knot, bobble and popcorn, and Catherine wheel stitches along with several others. Students will also learn how to take these special stitches and create their own unique project. Basic crochet skills required.

Tu | Mar 21 & Apr 4

Pequot Lakes Baptist Church | 9:30 - 11:30 AM 

Carol Paskewitz | $15